Have you ever tried to explain something to someone and they just could not get the point? No matter how many illustrations you used or examples you gave them they just could not grasp what you were trying to explain. It seemed so simple to you and yet it seemed like rocket science to them.
My grandparents will often times call me up and ask me to come over and help them with their T.V. They have a DVD, a VCR, and a Cable box which all connect into a stereo for the audio and to the TV for the sound. Each component has its own remote control and requires the other items to be in a specific setting to work. If this sounds complicated to you, imagine how complicated it must sound to them. In order to make their TV entertainment simple, I placed a switch box with the name of a component on each switch (VCR, DVD, and Cable). This switch box simplified things to one remote control. All they have to do is push the button of the item they want to use and “BEHOLD” it comes up on the screen. Life has been simplified!!!!!!
As I explained to them, how to use the TV they just looked at me with complete bewilderment. No matter how simplistic I made the instructions or how many different ways I explained it they could not understand why it worked. They did finally grasp what to do, and their reason for doing it that way when asked was, “because you told us too.” With that I declared “VICTORY!”
The idea of all that technology was beyond their comprehension. And as I think about our current series “The God Perception” there are some things about God that are beyond our comprehension as well. The more we struggle with these things the more frustrated we become and the more resentful we tend to act.
"My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8,9
Last week we talked about how a good God could allow evil. If you missed our talk you can view the video by clicking on the following link: If God, Why Evil?
The evil that is in the world creates a lot of pain and heart ache. It is real easy for us to question God’s motives, yet all the while we may never understand “why,” because we do not have the capacity to understand. We are not God; and we cannot see and know all that God sees and knows. We can however know that a great God and a good God has the ability to do all things and that He desires good things for us.
Looking back at our own experiences we can see how God uses the bad things in our lives for good. He has this way of taking our pains, our failures, our negative experience and using them for a positive result. So this coming Sunday we are going to talk about how God uses these things in our lives for Good. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday at 10:30 AM.
Pastor Donald
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